Friday, December 27, 2013

Automate Your Home And Industrial Space And Enjoy Convenience At Your Fingertips!

The very utterance of the term ‘Automation’ will transport you to a world of immense possibilities in convenience and comfort – at home and at work, at the hotel and at the hospital, at the factory and at the institute, and the list goes on. Automation is the automatic control of activities through use of control systems like PLC, SCADA, etc. including the internet and connection with electricity. There are two types of Automation – home automation and industrial automation.

Home Automation:

It refers to automation of repetitive activities at home. Improved security, energy efficiency, enhanced comfort and convenience are what the dwellers enjoy. Right from centralized control of lighting, HVAC, fans, curtains, sprinklers of the lawn to appliances, TV, audio, security systems, and more, the scope of home automation includes all. This technology is a boon to the differently abled and the elderly, who can manage repetitive activities without the support of caregivers. Everything can be controlled from a smart user interface (smart phone, i-pad) with the touch of a few buttons.

The integration of the Internet, smart phones / tablet, and automation control systems has simplified lives like never before. What was not affordable yesterday is affordable today! Installation of control systems happens with connectivity with electrical wires; it is more cost effective in new buildings when electrical wires are laid. Home automation is also feasible in old buildings with little refurbishments. The same applies with industrial automation.

Industrial Automation:

It is a blend of reduction of operational costs, involvement of few manpower, enhanced security, improved productivity, and increased energy efficiency that the use of industrial automation is widely popular in myriad industry segments including factories, hotels, hospitals, malls, trade buildings, offices, institutes, etc. With industrialists emphasizing more on energy efficiency in industrial processes, industrial automation technology is only gaining impetus by the day!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Top 5 Security Products For A Smart Home?

Who isn’t aware about increasing crime rates in the local neighborhood, the town and the city? Wait not to become a victim and let not your home be a target of burglary. If you have automated your home, turn your home smarter by installing an integrated range of security products. Ensure protection for yourself and your family members not to mention assets with security products. Let your smart home take care of itself and your family even while you are away from home. Yes, if you and your family have gone for a holiday to some far away destination, you can still keep tab and monitor your home from there anytime from your smart phone!

Amid the horde of solutions, you may fall in a dilemma as to which security products should you install in your smart home? Enlisted below are the top 5 security products that you should install for enhanced security:
·          CCTV Camera it captures images and records video. IP addressed cameras let you monitor your home in real time from anywhere across the world
·         DVR should be installed if you fix numerous CCTV cameras. DVR records and plays video from up to 16 surveillance cameras. Its strength is its hard drive that stores information
·         Alarm System / siren horn give out loud siren accompanied by flashing light alarms in case of a security emergency
·         Glass Break Sensor sends an audio alarm if glass fitted in doors and windows are broken. False alarms are negated; thanks to incorporation of Pattern Recognition technology
·         Biometric Door Lock, based on fingerprint recognition, helps intelligent management of door locks. Only authorized fingerprints are allowed entry. The device keeps records of people who have gained entry and exit.

You may see more options of Home Security products at SmartAutomation Technology India. Our executive can tour your home, understand your requirements and budget, and accordingly provide the right solutions.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Where Intelligent Home Control And Smart Energy Management Matters?

Can you visualize a luxury home space without technological inputs? Indeed not, especially in a scenario where use of home automation technology is gaining fast momentum. Busy schedules have become part of everyday lives today; managing home and work is indeed a challenge. Thanks to home automation! After a busy day at work, you can intelligently control your home systems and the everyday repetitive tasks with a few touches on your smart phone. Yes, you can even monitor the security of your home from work and from anywhere. When we speak about an automated luxury home, it is all about enjoying comfort, safety, and convenience like never before.

Installation of the security system is an integral fraction of a luxury home. With increasing incidences of crime, dwellers are increasingly adopting and exploiting the latest security technology to keep their homes secured. Tracking of people and assets becomes easy with RFID. Many a dweller today tags prized assets with RFID for easy tracking. Think about keeping tab on your kids, right from your workplace when they are back from school or the playground. Imagine about monitoring your servants’ activities at home in your absence! Worry not about any possible leakage of gas; the gas leak sensor will alert you on time to prevent any emergency. Not allowing strangers their entry to your home indeed happens with the security system. It is a blend of RFID tags, CCTV camera, hidden camera, DVR, alarm systems, gas leak sensor, video door phone, access control system, door locks, and glass break sensors that constitute the complete security system.

Smart energy management is again the essence of a luxury home. Where the drive to conserve the earth’s natural resources by adopting green initiatives is gaining momentum, use of LED lights is buzz in towns and cities alike. Though initially the cost of installing LED lights may be higher compared to traditional lights, you save maximum energy and save big on your electricity bills month after month!
Few facts about LED lights

  • 85 percent energy efficiency when compared to traditional lights
  • 08 watts are used per LED bulb in holiday lighting compared to 6 watts in traditional bulbs
  • Highly durable; lasts for 25,000 to 100,000 hours depending on heat and current settings
  • No use of color filters for emitting light of an intended color
  • Achieves full brightness in a microsecond
  • Radiate very little heat, reducing carbon footprint
  • Has no glass tubes to break
  • Resistant to external shock.

Thursday, December 05, 2013

How to Safeguard/Recover from Issues of Cyber Threats to Surveillance Systems?

Security cameras are almost ubiquitous, capturing our activities, especially at work. You know who watches you. Do you know you can be watched even by hackers / unknown sources? Most surveillance systems such as the hidden camera, CCTV camera, etc. come with remote internet access enabled by default. These systems often have weak password security. Not all buyers are aware about these drawbacks or the need to disable the ‘default’ nature of remote internet access and securing the systems with strong passwords. This only facilitates hackers to remotely tap into the video feeds easily. There are numerous instances of surveillance systems being vulnerable to cyber threats and breakdowns.

Users commonly use a specific user accounts (eg. admin) that can be easily accessed by hackers. Those surveillance systems with automatic log-in and known default passwords are the most vulnerable to cyber threats. It is no surprise if the password of your security camera is cracked via brute force. This happens when the password is weak or added by default. Accessing live and recorded CCTV camera footage by hackers is no new phenomenon. Yes, even via hacking, the security camera can be redirected, especially the one that is adjustable.

 Tips to safeguard / recover from cyber threat issues
•    Ensure proper setup and configuration of the surveillance systems
•    Change default vendor passwords
•    Use strong passwords that cannot be easily cracked
•    Disable remote access of CCTV camera or hidden camera when not needed
•    Allow access to only trusted people
•    Add filtering or security layer to thwart any traffic from non-trusted computers from accessing the surveillance systems
•    Not expose the security camera to the Internet unless utterly necessary
•    Do not repeatedly maintain connections to a feed for more than 30 minutes
•    Scan the surveillance systems network regularly for any vulnerable systems.

Understanding the threat profile of the system according to your type of business, you can address an assortment of vulnerabilities your surveillance systems are prone to. This would help you identify the threats and accordingly follow recovery or safeguarding steps.

Installation of Surveillance Systems such as the hidden camera, IP security camera, CCTV camera, alarm systems, etc. is integral to industrial automation to ensure safety and security of the premise. But your security can be at stake via cyber threats. Ensure that you buy the right brands from the right industrial automation service provider. Proper setup and configuration of the surveillance systems does matter to ensure non-vulnerability to cyber threats and breakdowns.